Chamberlain’s Nationwide Wellness Initiative with YuMuuv

Chamberlain partnered with YuMuuv to launch the "Wellness Warriors" challenge, significantly boosting wellness engagement among its remote employees. This case study delves into the strategic implementation and impressive outcomes of the initiative, demonstrating the profound impact of tailored wellness programs on remote team cohesion and health.

YuMuuv Blog

Step Your Way to Christmas

Although, companies have been using the YuMuuv platform for charity challenges for many months, the challenge "Step your way to Christmas" (from 15th November until 5th December) was the first of its kind to bring several companies together under a common goal.
12 min

52 Wellness Challenge Ideas for 2024

One single key factor that connects with most of your employees is that they want to advance in life. So as you are planning activities for your workforce to fulfill that desire, we want to make sure that you are not lacking the ideas. Here are 52 challenge ideas for your company that will make your employees more healthy and happy in different areas of life.
3 min

Million Steps Challenge Accepted

In YuMuuv, we've always known that we have the coolest and most active clients. To prove it, we're publishing a letter written to us by Telia's role model Mihkel Kaasik - read and let yourself to get inspired!

Innovative Ideas for Employee Benefits

We have got many questions about rewarding the challenges. It may be the hardest part of the challenge, just because creating the challenge today is absolutely the easiest thing to do. But to make rewarding easier as well, this blog post is for you!

Wellness Tips for the Workplace

As employee wellness programs are getting more popular month by month, we get asked more often how to do them successfully. The success indicators differ depending on a corporation size, average employees age and the culture in the company, but there's one thing we are sure, should increase the participation percent and the results' relevance.

Activity and Wellness KPI Report for Companies

When it comes down to physical activity goals one common factor for companies is that almost all wanted to see their employees be active and happy but only a few had any tools to measure the progress. So because of that we came up with activity KPI report. Read more about that in the article.

What Are Active Minutes and How To Collect Them?

Looking at the title, you might be under the impression that as you read on, you'll discover the ancient secret of how to get your daily minutes of activity without too much effort during office fitness challenge. Almost, but not quite! Because moving and getting to move after (or before) a long day at work is usually an emotional war between our two ears, today we're publishing a few ways to get your heart pumping faster with less mental effort.

What Are the Benefits of a Fitness Tracker?

As an evolving society, we have the great privilege of being able to monitor and control much of our surroundings through technology. Phones wake us up at the time we want in the morning, robotic vacuum cleaners clean our floors at the times we set, and cameras monitor pets left alone at home. The whole feeling of being in control of things that are in our power creates a sense of security and peace of mind.

Annual Employee Wellness Program Example

Every single HR manager who I have ever talked to has stated that their company cares about their employees' health. It is true, but we should also remember that great physical activity habits or needed behavioral changes are only going to be happening and tested over a long period of time.
2 min

Why Are Virtual Fitness Challenges Trending?

There have been several changes to notice, but one of the key indications for the pioneer companies is that they do corporate fitness challenges. Why? In next paragraphs I bring out 3 reasons for you to consider jumping on that same bandwagon.
5 min

10 Office Fitness Challenge Ideas

It is always good to have some fun while working. Consistent activity can significantly reduce sick days, keep stress level lower and energy level higher. At the same time, at-work but non-formal activity helps to bond with colleagues and the company itself. This, in the other hand, means more motivated employees and better performance. But how to organize office fitness challenge?
4 min

How a Challenge Can Increase Employee Engagement?

Nortal has done a lot to build motivated teams in different countries uniting them as a whole company-wide team through active lifestyle challenges. We had a chance to talk with Nortals' (Virtual) Event Manager Katre Trei, who explained to us how they have done it. 
3 min

YuMuuv Rises as Endomondo Alternative

Some time ago, information reached the public that the Endomondo movement application, which is loved by Europeans, will be closed at the end of the year. This means millions of users all around the globe will start looking for alternatives to measure their activity behaviour in the new year at the latest
2 min

How To Reduce Sickness Absence in the Workplace?

The cost of an employee’s sick days is a huge expense for the employer. Research shows a clear link between an employee’s physical activity and the number of sick days. Based on broad calculations, a 1€ that company spends on YuMuuv means an average savings of 5.7€.
5 min

Physical Activity Level Calculator

YuMuuv has a unique method to distinguish physical activity measuring from athletic ability. It combines the average of various parameters related to physical activity (steps taken, intensity minutes collected with a moderately high heart rate, calories burned). Read moe