Step Up Your Discussions: The Benefits of Walk-and-Talk Meetings

Walk-and-talk meetings integrate physical activity with professional engagements, enhancing creativity, collaboration, and overall well-being. These meetings leverage documented benefits of physical exercise on cognitive function and mental health. Adopting such practices can transform workplace culture, promoting a healthier, more dynamic corporate environment.

YuMuuv Blog

Staying active during summertime

Summer can be a difficult time to be active. The heat. Humidity. Different events. Laying on the beach. And everything else that goes with summer. Instead of working out, I'd like to sit in front of the AC with my loved ones, watch a good TV show and eat popcorn. Luckily, there are still some really fun and easy ways to burn off the calories you've eaten in the summer and maintain the summer shape you've chased in the spring.

Setting Up a Successful Company Fitness Challenge

Since the beginning of this millennium, there has been only a trend toward the global decline of physical activity – meaning more than 36.8% of the world's population does not move enough. The problem is even twice as worse in high-income countries. Of course, there have always been amazing individuals, but to have a true corporate culture swims against the tide requires a very conscious and consistent action plan from HR.

The Long-Term Key to Employee Engagement and Activity

One of the key questions we are often asked is whether physical activity and employee engagement can be promoted in the long term through the YuMuuvi platform. The easy answer is yes, of course. As proof and explanation, we have analyzed the statistics of our customers and brought you the most important findings and recurring patterns.

How To Increase Employee Engagement

Employee satisfaction and commitment at work is the foundation of a happy and well-functioning working environment. A committed and satisfied employee motivates others around them and helps to enhance the company's reputation as an employer. Despite this, many employees feel that they are not involved in decision-making, that their opinions are not listened to or that their work is not valued. Such a work culture can lead to employee burnout and foster a constant need for new recruits.

How To Spice Up a Corporate Fitness Challenge?

A very growing trend is to create in-house activity challenges. Some companies organise them to build up a corporate culture of activity. Others create challenges to bring team members closer to each other. Others celebrate an important moments for the company through activity. The motivation is different, but the result is perhaps the same - to enjoy moving together and to find colleagues with common interests through challenges. 

5 Ways To Help Remote Employees Stay Fit & Healthy

Businesses today often take a more active role in promoting employee health and wellness. After all, healthy employees are happy ones. We often find companies that offer discounts on gym memberships, active breaks during the workday, and sometimes even break rooms that have gym equipment, yoga mats, and other things related to physical activity.

Physical Activity Infographic 2022

Are there links between the YuMuuv user's device type, age, gender, and activity? If so, which ones? Read more about the findings from thousands of users data and learn what could be implemented for your company.

Fitness Challenge App With Friends

Friends and friendships are a big part of our lives and it cannot be overlooked that they also have an impact on our health and well-being. Creating or maintaining a friendship is a kind of art and it is a privilege to be able to do so. The importance and importance of social connections are very important in our lives, and today we want to talk about what a person can do to develop and how to grow lasting friendships.
5 min

Why to Organize Corporate Wellness Challenges?

Some corporates organize a wellness challenge to build their activity culture. Some organize to create an active opportunity for team building. Some enterprises are celebrating a birthday year in an active way.  And so we would continue. So there are as many reasons to organize a challenge as many companies are doing it. With this post we let you see the backstage a bit and hopefully after that you also will find a reason to move with your colleagues. 
9 min

Ideas For a 30 Day Challenge

30 days challenge ideas can motivate you and your team to establish new habits that will last. YuMuuv assists you in putting up any challenge that your team wishes.

How to Organize Mini Competitions as Company Fitness Challenges?

As the organisation of activity challenges is becoming more and more popular over time, at YuMuuv we try to create as many and as different types of challenges as possible, so that things do not get monotonous. If long-term challenges are already starting to leave a bitter taste in your mouth, a good sweetener is a mini competition. It helps to get out of the routine for a while and maybe even set a slightly more intense pace.

How to Involve More Employees With Your Company Fitness Challenge?

Company fitness challenges are a growing trend, which means that employers are increasingly choosing to contribute to the health of their employees. Given the constant technological advances and the growth of opportunities, this makes sense. Exercise has always been available to almost everyone, but as the years go by, so does the need to monitor and analyse movement.

Walking 10 000 steps a day during your company fitness challenge

We all probably know the magical number of daily steps, 10 000. We track steps with our activity monitors or smart phones and if at the end of the day, we haven't reached our step goal, we are walking back and forth at our homes. Familiar? But is it scientifically proven that 10 000 steps a day is a must have? Are we happier or healthier if we take these steps? Let's find out!

How To Organize Fitness Fridays During Your Company Step Challenge?

As Company fitness challenges are getting more popular year by year, even month by month, it might get a bit more difficult to keep these inclusive after years. For that, we have also written a blog post with 52 wellness challenge ideas. But if that's not enough, there's also a trend that we want to open with that blog post – Fitness Fridays. 
2 min

In Support of Ukraine

We condemn all attacks on the Ukrainian people and territory. Because of that we have decided to donate 10% of our March sales revenue in support of the Ukrainian Rescue Union. We also want to pass on some challenge ideas that, on the one hand, would promote your health, but at the same time create additional resources that could be used to support Ukraine.

Exercise Challenge Ideas: Tips & Tricks

In addition to intrinsic motivation, we often need external stimulation. In the context of exercise challenge, external motivators are usually rewards and role models. That's why today we're introducing Tanel - a man whose colleagues ask him how he still gets those steps done and what the magic formula is. But what is the magic formula then?
10 min

How To Create a Step Challenge?

If you are considering organizing a step challenge, then the following article is for you. What should be the goal and period of the challenge? How is the data collection and support done? How is communication and feedback done? And many other questions will find answers.
5 min

Corporate Fitness Challenge Ideas

Since we have spent more time at home during the last couple of years and it is still going on, how do you stay active? Are you lacking ideas? Let's find some answers for that! 

Workplace Wellness Trends in 2022

We have now entered the third year of the global pandemic. On the one hand, life has already become a norm in society with the virus, but on the other hand, we have also constantly re-evaluated the situation and, if necessary, implemented rapid changes. Gradually, however, we are beginning to understand the long-term and lasting effects of this pandemic.

Walking Meetings: Our Experience

What if I told you that you and your team could effortlessly walk 100+ miles from one city to another? Maybe this idea seems a bit crazy? The reality, however, is that this is exactly the kind of result you will achieve during the year if you replace a team meeting with a walk for about 15 minutes almost every working day instead of sitting.
7 min

Wellness Challenges Increase Team Mental Health

We look at exercising as an opportunity to lose weight or grow a muscle. And that's absolutely right, it improves our physique, but it is actually much more than physical health. People, who stay active throughout years, have usually reached their goal body image, but still wake up early to do a workout before work. Why?
4 min

How To Engage Remote Employees?

The rising trend of the last two years is the remotely of working employees and why not because it is a convenient and kind of full package solution. Employees are guaranteed with conditions so that the work can be done and that they are still loyal. Since they do their work remotely, how often can you see how involved they are? Can you be sure that they are happy, stress-free, effective?
3 min

How Ultimate Walking Challenge Changed a Life?

There are always people around us who inspire and motivate us in at least one area of life. At Yumuuv, we see many such role models, especially those who stand out for being more active than the average person. Today, we're bringing out from behind the curtains one of these YuMuuvers who are over 100% active at the end of every month and never misses a step. Someone who stands out from the crowd and who totally inspires others.

Helping Employees To Manage Stress at Work

Stress has always been a part of our work, but we can imagine how much it has increased during the last two years. So the personnels' responsibility to keep the air above the workplace clean, has also acquired a greater role. And we know it isn't an easy burden to carry. 

Step Your Way to Christmas

Although, companies have been using the YuMuuv platform for charity challenges for many months, the challenge "Step your way to Christmas" (from 15th November until 5th December) was the first of its kind to bring several companies together under a common goal.
12 min

52 Wellness Challenge Ideas for 2024

One single key factor that connects with most of your employees is that they want to advance in life. So as you are planning activities for your workforce to fulfill that desire, we want to make sure that you are not lacking the ideas. Here are 52 challenge ideas for your company that will make your employees more healthy and happy in different areas of life.
3 min

Million Steps Challenge Accepted

In YuMuuv, we've always known that we have the coolest and most active clients. To prove it, we're publishing a letter written to us by Telia's role model Mihkel Kaasik - read and let yourself to get inspired!

Innovative Ideas for Employee Benefits

We have got many questions about rewarding the challenges. It may be the hardest part of the challenge, just because creating the challenge today is absolutely the easiest thing to do. But to make rewarding easier as well, this blog post is for you!

Wellness Tips for the Workplace

As employee wellness programs are getting more popular month by month, we get asked more often how to do them successfully. The success indicators differ depending on a corporation size, average employees age and the culture in the company, but there's one thing we are sure, should increase the participation percent and the results' relevance.

Activity and Wellness KPI Report for Companies

When it comes down to physical activity goals one common factor for companies is that almost all wanted to see their employees be active and happy but only a few had any tools to measure the progress. So because of that we came up with activity KPI report. Read more about that in the article.

What Are Active Minutes and How To Collect Them?

Looking at the title, you might be under the impression that as you read on, you'll discover the ancient secret of how to get your daily minutes of activity without too much effort during office fitness challenge. Almost, but not quite! Because moving and getting to move after (or before) a long day at work is usually an emotional war between our two ears, today we're publishing a few ways to get your heart pumping faster with less mental effort.

What Are the Benefits of a Fitness Tracker?

As an evolving society, we have the great privilege of being able to monitor and control much of our surroundings through technology. Phones wake us up at the time we want in the morning, robotic vacuum cleaners clean our floors at the times we set, and cameras monitor pets left alone at home. The whole feeling of being in control of things that are in our power creates a sense of security and peace of mind.

Annual Employee Wellness Program Example

Every single HR manager who I have ever talked to has stated that their company cares about their employees' health. It is true, but we should also remember that great physical activity habits or needed behavioral changes are only going to be happening and tested over a long period of time.
2 min

Why Are Virtual Fitness Challenges Trending?

There have been several changes to notice, but one of the key indications for the pioneer companies is that they do corporate fitness challenges. Why? In next paragraphs I bring out 3 reasons for you to consider jumping on that same bandwagon.
5 min

10 Office Fitness Challenge Ideas

It is always good to have some fun while working. Consistent activity can significantly reduce sick days, keep stress level lower and energy level higher. At the same time, at-work but non-formal activity helps to bond with colleagues and the company itself. This, in the other hand, means more motivated employees and better performance. But how to organize office fitness challenge?
4 min

How a Challenge Can Increase Employee Engagement?

Nortal has done a lot to build motivated teams in different countries uniting them as a whole company-wide team through active lifestyle challenges. We had a chance to talk with Nortals' (Virtual) Event Manager Katre Trei, who explained to us how they have done it. 
3 min

YuMuuv Rises as Endomondo Alternative

Some time ago, information reached the public that the Endomondo movement application, which is loved by Europeans, will be closed at the end of the year. This means millions of users all around the globe will start looking for alternatives to measure their activity behaviour in the new year at the latest
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How To Reduce Sickness Absence in the Workplace?

The cost of an employee’s sick days is a huge expense for the employer. Research shows a clear link between an employee’s physical activity and the number of sick days. Based on broad calculations, a 1€ that company spends on YuMuuv means an average savings of 5.7€.
5 min

Physical Activity Level Calculator

YuMuuv has a unique method to distinguish physical activity measuring from athletic ability. It combines the average of various parameters related to physical activity (steps taken, intensity minutes collected with a moderately high heart rate, calories burned). Read moe