Step Your Way to Christmas

Step Your Way to Christmas

Although, companies have been using the YuMuuv platform for charity challenges for many months, the challenge "Step your way to Christmas" (from 15th November until 5th December) was the first of its kind to bring several companies together under a common goal.

During this three-week period, 141 employees of 6 companies (Bolt, Adcash, Veriff, YuMuuv, Fiizy and the Estonian Branch of OP Corporate Bank plc) did a total of 21,472,709 steps, which is an average of 7,252 steps per day. Based on the contribution of the people, each company donated for an active step to a charity of its choice. So thanks again for each participant!

For our part, we would like to thank the Fiizy and Veriff teams for turning to us with this idea and making it a reality mostly just on their own! We believe that such initiatives provide freshness and we definitely plan to do things together in the future! If you have an exciting idea, let us know!

Keeping stepping towards Christmas,

