How to Involve More Employees With Your Company Fitness Challenge?
Company fitness challenges are a growing trend, which means that employers are increasingly choosing to contribute to the health of their employees. Given the constant technological advances and the growth of opportunities, this makes sense. Exercise has always been available to almost everyone, but as the years go by, so does the need to monitor and analyse movement.
But at the same time, there are very different types of company fitness challenges. There are one-time challenges as well as annual movements. Some challenges are very successful, while others do not want to start at all. Some are company-specific, others are joint challenges between several companies. But why are some step challenges more successful than others?
Table of Contents
Communication Through the Company Fitness Challenge
As always - good communication is the key. If this part of the foundation is not laid properly, it won't be long before the whole house collapses. So how to you do a good communication?
1. Start early enough
It is important to give users time to get used to the idea of joining a step challenge. There definitely are some employees in your workplace who will come on board because someone else decided to. Usually employees do not want to join with the challenge, when it is already started a week or more ago. They feel like they are already missed that bus.
So starting to communicate information 1-1.5 weeks before the challenge starts is essential. In addition, some employees may encounter integration problems and these too may take a day or two to resolve.
2. Clear instructions
To involve as many staff as possible in the challenge, it is important to give as much information as possible in as short form as possible. This should be done in an "easy to understand" language, with illustrations and step-by-step points where appropriate. This will give participants a sense of simplicity, which in turn will encourage more employees to participate. Who would want to spend their spare time on something complicated and incomprehensible.
In YuMuuv, we've taken care of that and everything you need is already there - email templates, instructions for registration, integrations information, troubleshooting, etc. All you have to do is send them on.
3. Consistent communication
If we mentioned that without laying a proper foundation, the plan will not go through, then it is equally important to get the roof right too. This means that communication needs to happen from start to finish, and it needs to be consistent.
Of course, this is not a task purely for the organiser. For example, in YuMuuv, we have included chat buttons under the challenges. In this way, participants can keep each other motivated, help to solve the problems, answer the questions and even find common movement interests.

Excitement Requires Variety
We've all experienced moments over the years when an event that at first seemed to be a source of excitement and gaiety takes on the dimensions of a tedious obligation. To prevent this from happening, a variety of challenges is a must. This will help your employees to keep and develop the habit of moving, though, rather than creating unintended negative emotions.
To make sure there is no shortage of spice, at YuMuuv we have developed a wide range of challenges - step challenges, collective challenges, persistence challenges, and so on. Best of all, you can always think up your own challenge and get it to your employees quickly and easily. Whether it is 20 squats a day, 8h of sleep, 5 glasses of water or 10lk of reading a book.
As you can see from the previous sentence, Yumuuv is not only an app that promotes physical activity, but can also focus on mental health and social health, in addition to physical health. To make sure there is no shortage of challenge ideas, we have also listed 52 challenge ideas, all of which can be done through YuMuuv!

Role Models Are Important
Why are influencers one of the most effective marketing channels? Because, no matter how much we deny it, we like to buy things that a "friend" approves of. It is the same with activity influencers - we are much more likely to participate and much more likely to be confident if someone we follow does it.
That's why it is a good idea to involve the company management to the company fitness challenge. They set a pattern and encourage others. For example, taking the stairs instead of the lift, arriving at work without a car or walking during an online meeting.

Why YuMuuv?
We have made that part of the challenge very easy – a lot of tools with different varieties of corporate fitness challenges, automatic activities to save your time and bunch of blog posts with tips and tricks. For example, the one, where we wrote abot how to create a step challenge at work.
Also admin manuals for you to navigate easily in the app and user manuals to get your employees fast on board. In addition, communication templates with important information for you to send out and the full annual plan you can insert all in once, just in 10 minutes.
We have customer support and help center so you don't have to deal with employee's problems or technical questions. We have an automatic ranking sheet about your employees, but also with all the companies that are moving with YuMuuv. And a lot more just to help you enjoy that journey with others as well with minimal managing effort!
So if you feel now that your employees would be a fun support team to move with, let us know and we will make it reality!