
Empowering Enersense Employees Wellness Through Digital Innovation


In the evolving landscape of employee wellness, digital platforms have emerged as a transformative force, reshaping how organizations engage and motivate their workforce. This case study explores the partnership between YuMuuv, a leader in digital wellness solutions, and Enersense, a dynamic player in infrastructure and communication services. It underscores the strategic use of YuMuuv’s platform to enhance employee engagement and wellness at Enersense, led by insights from Jakob Remmel, CEO of YuMuuv, and Liisbeth, HR partner at Enersense.

Company Background

Enersense, previously known as Empower, is a reputable company specializing in the construction and maintenance of medium and high-voltage lines and telecommunications infrastructure. With a workforce of 320 employees, predominantly field workers who are the backbone of their operations, Enersense sought innovative ways to foster a unified and healthy work environment.


The primary challenge was enhancing engagement and wellness among a diverse and geographically dispersed workforce. The physical demands on field workers and the sedentary nature of office roles created a unique disparity in employee wellness needs. Enersense was keen on adopting a solution that could bridge this gap and promote inclusive and collective wellness activities.


YuMuuv’s wellness challenge platform was introduced as a pilot to Enersense with the aim of testing its efficacy in promoting health and teamwork across different segments of the workforce. The platform's features, including step tracking and team challenges, were tailored to accommodate both the active nature of field workers and the more static routines of office employees.


The initial rollout of YuMuuv’s platform involved a simple step challenge, which was quickly embraced by the workforce. Encouraged by the positive response, Enersense integrated more structured challenges and team-based competitions, aimed at fostering a spirit of collaboration and healthy competition among employees.

The implementation phase highlighted several key factors:

  1. Ease of Use: YuMuuv’s user-friendly interface facilitated quick adoption among employees.
  2. Real-Time Communication: The platform’s chat feature allowed for ongoing interaction among team members, enhancing the sense of community.
  3. Adaptability: The challenges were adapted over time to increase participation and maintain engagement.


The adoption of YuMuuv’s platform at Enersense led to noticeable improvements in employee engagement and wellness:

  • Increased Physical Activity: Employees were more active, participating in wellness challenges that promoted physical health.
  • Enhanced Team Spirit: The challenges helped break down silos, allowing employees from different departments to interact more frequently.
  • Positive Feedback: Employees expressed appreciation for the opportunity to connect with colleagues in a fun and healthy way.

Feedback and Adjustments

Feedback from employees highlighted a need for occasional adjustments to keep the challenges fresh and engaging. Enersense responded by varying the types of challenges and introducing team-based goals to foster a collaborative rather than a competitive environment.

Enersense logo shape movement tracked


The partnership between YuMuuv and Enersense exemplifies how digital solutions can effectively address traditional workplace challenges. By leveraging technology, Enersense has not only enhanced the physical wellness of its employees but has also fostered a more connected and supportive work culture. This case study serves as a testament to the power of innovation in the pursuit of employee wellness and engagement, setting a benchmark for other organizations aiming to enhance their wellness initiatives.


The journey of Enersense with YuMuuv's platform underscores the evolving dynamics of employee wellness strategies in the digital age. As companies continue to navigate the challenges of a diverse workforce, the role of technology in fostering an inclusive and healthy work environment remains crucial. This case study not only reflects successful implementation but also paves the way for future innovations in the corporate wellness space.
