Celebrating Achievement

Celebrating Achievements and Fostering Role Models at IPA


Since the adoption of YuMuuv’s wellness platform in February 2020, IPA has successfully integrated it into their corporate culture, creating a model for celebrating achievements and incentivizing participation. This focus has significantly enhanced employee engagement and set a benchmark for wellness initiatives in the industry.


IPA, a company specializing in manufacturing complex electromechanical assemblies, faced the challenge of maintaining employee wellness across a diverse workforce. The introduction of YuMuuv’s platform was aimed at not only improving physical health but also at strengthening the company’s community spirit and retention rates.


To foster a culture of health and recognition, where achievements in wellness are celebrated and employees are motivated to consistently participate in wellness challenges, thereby enhancing overall workplace morale and productivity.

Strategy and Implementation

  1. Role Model Leadership:

    • IPA’s senior management, including the CEO and department heads, led by example by actively participating in the wellness challenges. Their involvement was documented and shared in company communications to inspire all levels of the organization.
    • Regular features on these role models were published in the company newsletter, detailing their wellness journeys and the personal and professional benefits they experienced.
  2. Celebration of Achievements:

    • IPA established a monthly recognition program to celebrate employees who met or exceeded their wellness goals. These celebrations included public acknowledgment and through digital leaderboards visible on the company intranet.
    • Notably, IPA was recognized as one of the few employers in Estonia to be awarded the health-promoting employer designation, thanks in part to the engaging challenges offered through YuMuuv.
  3. Innovative Incentives:

    • IPA diversified its reward system to maintain high levels of interest and participation. Rewards ranged from financial bonuses and gift cards to personalized health gadget.
    • Special annual awards were introduced for the most consistent participants and those who showed the most improvement over time.


  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: The clear and public recognition of achievements led to increased participation in wellness programs, with a noticeable improvement in overall employee health and energy levels.
  • Strengthened Community Spirit: By celebrating successes and highlighting role models, IPA fostered a sense of community and mutual support among employees, which translated into improved teamwork and collaboration across projects.
  • Sustained Participation: The innovative and varied incentives kept the wellness program fresh and engaging, leading to sustained interest and participation throughout the company.

Feedback and Future Steps

Employee feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many citing the wellness program as a key factor in their job satisfaction and loyalty to the company. IPA plans to continue evolving the program, exploring new challenges and rewards to keep the momentum going.


IPA’s approach to integrating YuMuuv’s wellness platform has proven that a well-thought-out strategy focusing on role modeling, celebration, and innovative incentives can lead to significant improvements in workplace wellness. This case study serves as a model for other companies looking to enhance their employee engagement and wellness strategies.

