How to create private challenges as a user?
Do you want to create a private challenge for your family or friends? Let's do it!
If you've signed up to your company's YuMuuv account but want to get a little extra exercise, now's your chance. You have the option to create your own private challenges. A maximum of 10 people can take part in the challenge and they don't have to be from your company - they can be your family, relatives, or friends.
First, open the YuMuuv app and select Create from the upper right corner. Then you can create new community and give a name for it.

Follow the additional steps in the challenge creation tool including selecting an activity type, configuration, date range, a target amount, and a name for the challenge. More details are available here.
Once you complete the challenge set up, a code will appear at the top of the screen. You can share this code with up to 10 friends and family that they can use to register in the application following the same process you used when you signed up. Do not share your company registration code with anyone, just the unique code that is specific to your private challenge.

You can also locate the code under the user management tab. You can access this from your profile initials located on the top right-side of your screen. From the user management tab, you can also keep track of users who have joined your system and delete them if necessary.

If you create more than one private system (you can create up to 3), you can switch between them from the drop-down menu to see the codes for each challenge.

If you have any questions about creating a challenge, contact with us at