Does changing my phone/activity monitor lose previous data?

Changing your phone

Our system never lets the data get smaller - so if you switch your phone and sign in to the same account on your new device, you'll get the same view as when you left your previous phone.

If you've forgotten your password when you log in and you don't receive an email notification, read our article.

Changing your activity monitor

If you change the manufacturer of your activity monitor, it is important to update your service provider in the YuMuuv app. If the manufacturer remains the same, but you create a new account for the new monitor in the manufacturer's app, you will also need to reconnect your service provider in the YuMuuv app.
So if you change your monitor to another monitor from the same manufacturer, but create a new account:

  1. Open YuMuuv app
  2. In the top right corner, click on your initials.
  3. Your details
  4. Change service provider
  5. Connect with ... (the service provider of the monitor you are using)*
  6. Make sure you choose the right account to link to
  7. Make sure you give permission to send your activity data to YuMuuv to your service provider

*If your monitor service provider is not listed, you can read our article on how to connect it.

If you have any problems or questions about replacing your device, feel free to contact our customer support.