1. Overview

It is important for you to see your personal progress? Perfect, there are many ways to track it in YuMuuv!

On the Progress (1) page, you will see the progress of your current goal as well as the goals that you previously completed and participated in. Also on this page you can change the period (2) of visible results.


On the Activity (3) page you see the goal, period and prize of the challenge. The goal can be in either the steps (only steps taken into account) or the activity formula (minutes, steps, steps and calories taken into account), depending on the choice made by the employer.
When you reach the goal, you achieve the benefit offered by the employer. In addition to your own progress, you see how you interact with colleagues and how well you are on course to achieve the goal by the end of the period. By clicking on the success rates of the people on the list, you can see their parameters and results in more detail.


If you have any problems with your progress or activity, contact us directly.