Each user has a progress page where they can keep an eye on their activity data. The progress page is private and visible only to the users themselves.
On top of the screen, you can change the period of visible results - by clicking on the < you can see the past results and by clicking > move back to the present ones. Also right next to the arrows you can change the period from weekly to monthly or opposite.

Under the period you can easily switch between activity categories by clicking on the one you wish to view— Steps, Distance, Calories, Minutes, and Activity %. If you select distance or minutes, you can also view the distance or minutes of different activities separately.

If manual entry is allowed in the challenge and you have added data manually to the challenge as needed, it will also be reflected in gray colour on the progress page. The data from the integration is in black at the top, and the data you entered manually is in gray at the bottom.

If you have any problems with navigating in our app, contact us directly.