3. Choose account credentials

To sign up in YuMuuv you need to receive a specific sign up code from your employer/community leader. 

Once you have received a sign up code from your employer, you can self-register in the YuMuuv App.

Enter your company sign-up code, email, and password. Then, review and agree to YuMuuv's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Once done, click the Sign Up button to proceed.

Signing up

Optionally, you can sign up (and later log in) using your Apple or Google account. If you choose the Google option, you will be asked whether your company has Google Workspace integration with YuMuuv. If it does, you can sign up using your company Google account. If not, you will need to provide a sign-up code.

Google workspace
signup code

If you have any problems with signing up contact us directly.

← 2. Download the application 4. Edit profile