Challenge list view
Past, current, and future challenges in the app
On top right corner of the Challenges page, you can change the period of visible challenges - from past to future. Under those, you see the list of challenges during this period.

Join/leave the challenge
If the company has enabled the auto-join feature, all users will be automatically added to the challenge upon signing up. If the auto-join feature is disabled, you will need to join the challenge manually.
To join with the challenge, tap Join - after that, you're taking part in the challenge.

If you change your mind one morning, then by clicking on the ... button and choosing Leave challenge, you can exit the challenge.

Private and organizational challenges
Under Organization tab you'll find challenges created by your organization. Under Private tab you'll see the ones you've personally created, as well as any private challenges you're participating in that were created by other users.

If you have any problems seeing challenges in our app, contact us directly.