Remote team

How To Engage Remote Employees?

The rising trend of the last two years is the remotely of working employees and why not because it is a convenient and kind of full package solution. Employees are guaranteed with conditions so that the work can be done and that they are still loyal.

Since they do their work remotely, how often can you see how involved they are? Can you be sure that they are happy, stress-free, effective? Here are some ideas for you by YuMuuv:

Face-to-Face Connection

Whether we're talking to our team or communicating with a client or investor, an email can cause more problems than it can solve. Problem-solving is better-done face to face. The meetings are great, so why not have a visual meeting with your team a few times a week?

Despite the often poor video quality or connection error, e-meetings have earned their place in this table. Through the air, meetings allow employees to talk about different things in more detail, and you can see a person's emotions. With a smiling face and positive emotions, it can make someone's day much better and bring new ideas to light. Believe me, give it a try and you'll see it work.

There is also no trust in the text message. A colleague or client who has never seen your face will not feel the same connection with someone as someone you see or shake hands with regularly. Real human vision creates a connection that cannot be replaced by anything. But it's not just speaking, it's body language that conveys more than a few sentences.

So don't only be face to face at your next demo meeting, show your hands, body movement, and emotions! While you feel that an e-meeting does not have the same output as actually working together or seeing each other, there is another option. Increasing employee engagement is not easy.

It can be difficult to find good tools for increasing employee engagement. We can assure you that YuMuuv has developed a very good tool to increase employee engagement through acute challenges. Even if you don't have a face-to-face connection, you still feel like you're having a great time together.


Office Fitness Challenge

Why should you add a fitness challenge to your workplace? The answer is very simple. The 
office fitness challenge is very useful and even necessary for your employees. The movement has been shown to release hormones of happiness that improve our well-being. I think we've all heard that, but how much do we use that science?

So when we move every day with our colleagues, we keep our physical health good, but we also take care of our mental health. And it's a huge step to reduce stress in your workplace. YuMuuv can offer a variety of challenges to suit any person, regardless of their level of activity.

Step-by-step goals and later activity-based goals have proven to be very popular because people have realized that such challenges are exciting and engaging for them. The challenges vary from month to month and are a mix of individual and teamwork. However, it's a good idea to start the first month with a basic challenge so that everyone can join and get used to the habit.

We recently created a very specific post talking about 52 challenge ideas for 52 weeks in 2022. It's also a good way for remote teams to build stronger connections with each other and do it on the go, even if they're not together, but are doing it virtually. This post could just help you if you have no idea how to create an intense and engaging solution for your work environment. Contact us and you will see that YuMuuv is working!

walking people

Get Together From Time to Time

Working from home is nice and comfortable, but getting to know your co-workers is something else. But are you even sure you know who you're working with? Okay, we hope it's not that bad and everyone knows who their closest co-workers are and recognizes them.

There are several reasons why co-workers do not have much time to spend with each other, and this is usually justified because people also have private life plans and often do not simply find that time for separate activities with co-workers. It doesn't take much to build a strong working relationship, you just need to know who you work with and what they like.

There is only one nice plan to create and it can change the relationships in your work environment a lot. Take a day out together and hike or set a table in the cozy café and spend the morning or lunch working together. There are also many different activities to do. It allows employees to feel connected, collaborate and get a change from their home office, which is a good bonus. Employers also see how their employees are doing. Spend more time together!

Collective eating